Our colleagues will do their best to answer your questions as quickly as possible, but we would like to draw your attention to our Help and Support page, in case you find what you are looking for in no time! If you are interested in a product, please include its name in the question! Thank You!
Our contacts
Opening hours
Monday - 10:00-15:00
Tuesday - 10:00-15:00
Wednesday - 10:00-15:00
Thursday - 10:00-15:00
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
Web: https://www.djiars.hu/
SERVICE delivery and collection point
Oktogon-Szerviz Kft.
1062. Budapest, Teréz krt. 24.
Phone number: +36 1 311 7660
E-mail address: dji@oktogonszerviz.hu
Web: https://www.oktogonszerviz.hu/
Enterprise Team (Industrial Solutions)
E-mail address: enterprise@duplitec.hu
Web: www.dupliglobal.com/enterprise
Company data
The online store is operated by Magnew Kft.
Headquarters and mailing address: 1141 Budapest, Öv utca 35-37.
Company registration number: 01-09-076553
Tax number: 10550568-2-42
IBAN: HU81 1030 0002 2012 1132 4882 0026
Account number: 10700024-48490605-51100005